A laptop with the graphic WordPress vs Static Sites displayed on it

WordPress vs Static Sites

With so many agencies offering WordPress as their development tool of choice, it's hard to know which way you should go and why.

Let's clear up some misconceptions you might have and which web development process you might want to go with.

Dynamic or static

What are the differences?

Before you can determine which one is better for your, let's first define what both are. A static site is a site that has only the main building blocks of all websites: html, css, and Javascript. These three languages are the main ingredients that make up every website you see on the internet, and are (more often than not) the only languages you need. When you load a static site, your browser loads and compiles the code for the site and loads it instantly. Every user loads the exact same content everywhere without waiting for server languages to communicate. One of the best ways to make a static site is to code it by hand or with a static site generator like Astro or Next.js.

A dynamic site (like WordPress or Wix) is one that uses additional server side languages to take the html, css, and all your assets from a database and stictch them together as it loads on the server and then sends it to your browser. Instead of every user being served the exact same content, they are all served dfferent conent individually. This makes your load time slower, plus it makes your site vulnerable to attacks from malware and hackers.

a 3d image of a robot taking off on a rocket with the same super speed as your new site

Speed and conversion

Are static sites better?

For most small business owners, yes they are. WordPress has been touted as powering almost 50% of the internet, but let's be honest, there are alot of bad sites out there. One of the biggest problems with WordPress (or Wix, or GoDaddy's page builder) is that the server has to take more time to check the database and put everything together. And because WordPress relies on plugins to make your site function, the added bloat makes your site slower. This is critical, especially on mobile, because studies show that the majority of users will abandon a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load.

The future of web design

The benefits of Limitless Web Design

With so many agencies offering WordPress, you might be wondering Why would I want to use anything else? Traditional web designers tell you they offer WordPress (or any other dynamic page builder) to make your life easier. They float promises of how easy it will be for you to update your site and that you're running on the best software money can buy. But the truth is, most agencies don't use WordPress for your benefit. They use if for their benefit, since it's faster for them to pick a theme (often free) and just fill it with your images and text than to code it by hand (like I do!).

Leaner design

Static sites have much less bloat than dynamic site. There are no plugins, no databases, and no wasted space on your site. WordPress sites have tons of messy, bloated code that makes it harder for your site to load.

No templates

Most WordPress sites are built with themes and templates, which is why so many of them look the same. The trouble with this is your brand starts losing its identity, and pretty soon you look just like all your competitors.

Time saver

Because we handle everything on the back end, you don't need to waste precious time learning new software to keep your site running. And since we don't rely on plugins or a database, there's less chance your site gets hacked or goes offline.

3d image of a man using a laptop to design his website

Is it worth it?

Why pay someone to make a website?

WordPress is free software anyone can use to make a website, which makes it very appealing to small businesses with a smaller budget who can't afford to hire a developer. Chances are your competitors will have a WordPress site. Some developers or agencies charge thousands of dollars to make these simple sites that could have (and should have) been made static, and many of them are just templates they pump out and hand to you to take care of.

Our websites cost a low $400 a month which gives you your own developer at your disposal 24/7. You get more than a website, you get a partner who is invested in the success of your business.

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