Got a question you need answered? Curious about how we work or why we do what we do? Get your answers here!

  • Since web design has so many moving parts, it's tough to give an exact price. Depending on customer needs, functionality, and other things, a typical website from Limitless can range anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000.

    We also offer a pay monthly web design service that starts at just $400 a month, allowing you to get the exact website you want, any changes you want, all for a simple monthly fee.

  • Every website is different and will depend on the complexity of what you're looking for. In general, we like to tell our clients they can expect a finished webiste between 4-6 weeks, but it's not uncommon for us to go live way sooner.

  • Nope, no templates or marketplace themes. We build our websites using a component based system, which are really just small snippets of code. Because we build them in chunks, we can customize them however we want. That's why we start with an original design that you sign off on before we even begin to code.

  • Absolutely! They come with all the standard stuff of our regular websites and are great for selling 24/7 online.

  • Nope, not at all. Our process is built for business owners who would much rather spend their time growing their business than fiddle around with a website. And what happens if you accidently break something? Now you have to call the web agency and if you're lucky they'll get to it in a few days. Meanwhile, you're losing customers and ready to pull your hair out!

    We take that burden off your shoulders and do everything for you. It's like hiring your own front end developer, only you don't have to add me to your payroll or invite me to company picnics, although I won't mind if you do!

  • Not a wordsmith? We understand and would be happy to help write your content for you. We'll start with a questionaire that helps get us on the right track. Then we can write out your content with SEO best practices in mind. But don't worry, if you want to change anything, we can do it all before the site goes live, so you don't have to feel locked in to what you first see. As far as images go, we have access to a decent supply of stock images, but you're welcome to use your own as well.

  • We have our own hosting that works incredibly well and is incredibly fast. Much faster than tradition hosting like GoDaddy or Bluehost. We have a low monthly hosting and maintenance plan that guarantees your site is up and functioning to the best of its ability. If you have your own hosting and would prefer to use it, no worries. We can upload the site to your own servers, and that way you can handle everything yourself!

  • Nope, everything is done in-house.

  • In Red Deer, AB, Canada, though we've helped make websites for customers all across Canada.

  • The biggest disadvantage of using WordPress is that things can get very clunky when you start adding multiple plugins. You also have to keep WordPress itself and those plugins updated and each one has its own vulnerabilities as far as security goes. So you add even more plugins to keep it running.

    Suddenly you're left with a product that is a mash up of plugins from 10 different sources, some of which are abandoned and left to hackers. Performance starts to suffer, your site goes down, and you're left trying to figure out which plugin is causing the bottleneck. Now who has time for that?

    At Limitless, our sites are coded by hand, using clean HTML, CSS, and Javascript, meaning your site stays up, needs less updating, and looks and works the same on all devices.

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